Of the many numerous features available and extra available features from the different hosting providers, one of the tools giving the web publishers space could be the dedicated IP address. The question that many people ask out there is that, is it necessary? What benefits can one get using this model? Learn here now.
To begin with, we can understand what an IP address is. The internet protocol first is something very different from the domain name and the URL. Many people confuse these three. They are al all three unique elements. The internet protocol is a sequence of numbers that is assigned to every device that can access the internet. The computers IP address is something very unique and is a unique label that will allow the internet and websites to identify a device which gets to access any internet. These are not only assigned to the computer. Even mobile phones and tablets have IP addresses.
Most data centers and the website technology companies will offer different types of hosting. You will either get shred or dedicated hosting. With shared, all the resources of the service will be put in the same place without finding the owner of the website. They also do not mind the extent of traffic that a specific site receives. To the dedicated hosting on the other side, the resources of the servers are allocated t discretion of the person that is renting out space. The dedicated IP address is, therefore, yours exclusively. You don’t have to share with anyone. You might, however, choose to serve different sites from that same IP address. In other words, the dedicated IP address, you are in charge and in control of whoever is using it.
As much as you are hosting a website, there are many reasons hay you will realize that you need a dedicated IP address. It might be the best way for the success of your site. See more here about IP address.
The dedicated IP address might be what you need to have a secure site through the SSL certificate. Dedicated resources might be required by our site to enhance performance when you are receiving very high traffic. Another reason is that you need to access your site through a secure file transfer protocol, the FTP regularly and the dedicated hosting will be the only way to go about this. Finally, you might need to view your website through an IP address. This might not be possible unless you are using a dedicated IP address. To know more about IP address click here: https://www.encyclopedia.com/science-and-technology/computers-and-electrical-engineering/computers-and-computing/internet.